2015 Highlights |
Dressage Clinics and Ride-A-Test Clinic in Bodiam, East Sussex England August 17-21st. 2015.
Call 07739
977792 or email georgieguest@live.com
Further Information from Jane Pether: 07515 578174 |
In 2014 Sandy bought then 5 year old American Warmblood mare, Ondiama (Mia). Here she is at 6 years old, maturing and coming along as a non-compete to the spring shows for mileage and experience. She is an exciting mare for the future! |
2014 Highlights |
As of Feb. 2014, Sandy Osborn Dressage is now based at Ashland Farm in Covington, GA. Please see the Location Page for more information. You can also visit their website at www.ashlandfarm.com to learn more about membership options and boarding.
Congradulations to Fie Andersen and her husband Cyrus on the purchase of Moe. We wish them the best of luck.
Very attractive, sound, 2004 American warmblood for sale: Moe is a unique buckskin who attracts attention everywhere he goes with his unusual looks and very correct training. Moe has an outstanding show record at Training and 1st Level and is ready to go at 2nd level. Moe is a great confidence builder with an easy going, unflappable temperament. He is the perfect schoolmaster to introduce a rider to dressage without intimidating a timid rider. He’s fun to ride with a very expressive trot lengthening and does all the lateral work and counter canter. |
2013 Highlights |
On August 24,25 Sandy had the honor of being part of the panel that judged the U.S. National YH and DHPSG and DHGP Championships at Lamplight in Wayne, Illinois along with 5* judges; Ann Gribbons and Lilo Fore. |
Team Sandy Osborn Dressage at Brookwood Equestrian Center; Amy Tobias on Moe, Sharon Kherlopian, Abby Pritchard, Barbara Taylor, and Sandy on Barbara's mare Hailey. |
2012 Highlights |
After 9 very successful years in business, the wonderful After The Fox Farm has closed and has been sold. Sandy has relocated close by in Bishop, GA, 10 miles from Athens. She is now based at the warmly welcoming Brookwood Equestrian Center on Union Church Rd. Please visit their website: www.brookwoodec.com. Visit Sandy’s Location Page to see the new facility. |
Looking ahead to 2013, Sandy has recieved the honor of being invited to serve on the panel of judges for the YH Selection Trials in Flintridge, CA and Lexington, VA in May and June! |
On Dec. 1st and 2nd, Sandy showed Liza Karsai's 7 year old Lusitano stallion, Blackstone Interagro, for the first time, starting out at 3rd level test 2, winning the class with a 65%. Watch for them in 2013 as "Stan" gains mileage in the show ring in preparation for a career as an FEI horse. He has an amazing talent for piaffe and passage! |
A great weekend at Poplar Place Dressage on November 17,18 for the crew from Brookwood Equestrian Center. Everyone earned blue ribbons at their respective levels with very consistent riding over the 2 days! All the hard work of the last 5 months has paid off with rides that represented EVERYONE'S personal bests!!!!
Lisa Harper and Royal Midnight won both their Intermediare I tests with scores of 64% and 68%. This was Lisa's first time ever riding the IntI!
Well done!
Jessica Howington and her Vincent earned placings of 5th, 3rd, and 1st at training level. This was Vincent's first show ever and Jessica's first show in 18 years! Welcome back, Jessica!
Amy Tobias and Moe had one 2nd place and 3 1st places at training 3 and 1st level test 1 and a personal best of 70%, earning reserve high score for adult amateurs of the entire show!
Robin Gossett and Jet started their dressage career with placings of 1st and 2nd in all their training level tests, earning scores from 63% to 67%! A "flying" start for Robin and Jet!
#13 proved lucky for Elodie Huguet and Hologram as that was both their bridle number and their stall number! They won all 4 2nd level tests with excellent scores in the mid to upper 60's! They earned the Dover medal for adult amateurs at 2nd level!
Photo by Phyllis Burchett Photo. |
Photo by Brad Thatcher
After 3 very successful seasons together in the show ring at Intermediaire I, Intermediaire II, and Grand Prix, Plato Carlos has been sold. |
CONGRATULATIONS to Cassandra Hummert and her Mom, Debbie, on the purchase of Plato Carlos! Cassandra is a student at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY. She trains with Reese Koffler-Stanfield at Reese's farm in Georgetown, KY. The plan is to campaign for the Young Riders Division this year and then move into the Brentina Cup next year. Everyone at After The Fox Farm wishes them the best of luck and will be following their progress! |
Cassandra Hummert and Plato Carlos continue their winning ways in their first year together, earning a place on the Region II Young Riders Team. In their first outing at Intermediaire I they won both clases with scores over 70%! The next goal is to move into the Brentina Cup Competitions in Florida in 2013. We wish them the best of luck! |
Above is a video of Sandy and Plato going through the Grand Prix exercises at After the Fox Farm in Madiston, GA. |
A front row seat at the World Dressage Masters January 2012, Scribing for Stephan Clarke. |
2011 Highlights |
Sandy and Plato competed at both Conyers, GA and Aiken, SC in September ’11 to finish out their season at GP, winning all 4 classes with scores of 66.8%, 63.958%, and 68.298% in the GP classes and 64.468% in their first time at the GPS. |
Thanks to Jim Becker for the photos. |
Sandy and Plato started their 2 nd season at GP in Tryon, NC on June 25, 26 with wins in the open Grand Prix with outstanding scores of 65.9% and 68%!
On February 17th, Dr. Nancy Ferebee lost her short but intense battle with cancer. I felt privileged to have the opportunity to work closely with her beloved German Riding Pony stallions for a year and to be invited to continue to work with her rider Anne Pagel at Nancy's beautiful private home in Alpharetta, Ga. Nancy became a very special friend whose support came to mean so much to me. She will be missed." Sandy Osborn (pictured here are Sandy, Anne Pagel and Chico B at Nancy's home.)
2010 Highlights
On Dec. 11 th, Sandy travelled to England, arriving at Neal’s Farm in Robertsbridge, Kent to teach a 2 day clinic there prior to attending her first International Dressage Judges Forum given by Stephen Clarke at the London Olympia Horse Show. Together with fellow “S” graduate, Kristi Wysocki, she met judges from all over the world including Germany, Holland, Russia, Sweden, Finland, Cost Rica, South Africa, England and Canada. Congratulations to Brenda Minor of Canada on her brand new promotion to 4* status (previously known as “I”)! |
Sandy and co-judge, Tom Poulin, enjoying the hospitality at the McDevitt/Sotheby's competitor's lounge at the region 1 finals in Williamston, NC during a break in their panel judging over the weekend of Nov. 11-14. Thanks to the generosity of McDevitt/Sotheby's, the lounge offered not only snacks, coffee, and wine but also horse movies for viewing all day long throughout the weekend!
On Aug. 27th - 29th, ATFF hosted a symposium with top German professional, Hubertus Schmidt. The clinic was sponsored by The Good Horseman Foundation, Agco and After the Fox Farm. Sandy rode Plato and worked closely with Hubertus over the 3 days on strengthening and further developing Plato's passage. Hubertus was impressed with the quality and correctness of Plato's work and the expression he shows in his tempi changes, stating that they were worth an "8" in an international arena! Here they are discussing the strategy for the 3rd and final ride. |
An example of Plato’s expressive, uphill flying changes. |
Sandy and Plato working on the passage, under the watchful eye of Hubertus. |
Sandy and Plato demonstrate a sweeping half pass in canter while working with Hubertus Schmidt |
Plato's collected trot continues to develop more expression as his passage begins to impact his collection in general! |
Thanks again to Sherry Smith of Dogwood Sport Horses for the beautiful pictures! |
Sandy and Plato continue to gain confidence and experience in the Grand Prix with wins at Tryon, NC and Conyers, Ga. this summer. At Tryon they achieved a score of 66.38% and in Conyers, a score of 64%.
A very happy, relieved group of "S" candidates at the completion of the exam at the ESDCTA CDI in Allentown, NJ, May 15,16!"
Front row (left to right): Sandy, Cindy Canace, Debbie Rodriquez, Adrienne Pot, examiner Marianne Ludwig
Back row (left to right): examiner Lilo Fore, Kristi Wysocki, Christel Carlson, Dave Schmutz, Peggy Klump, Sue Curry, Debbie Savage
Early in September, Sandy was notified that after a long, intense year of training and apprenticing, she and her classmates all passed the "S" exam, taken in late May in New Jersey. The USEF is happy to welcome 10 new "S" judges to their roster! Congratulations to Sandy and company on their success! |
Sandy and Plato started their competition season with 2 wins in the Grand Prix at Poplar Place, May 15 th and 16 th, the 2 nd day with almost no mistakes and the outstanding score of 67.021%. Also successful was Dr. Nancy Ferebee’s German riding pony stallion, Chicco B (pictured above). Sandy showed the bay stallion at 2 nd level earning scores from 63% to 68% with placings of 1 st, 3 rd, and 4 th. In the process, they not only earned their first qualifying score for this year’s regional championship in Conyers in October, but Chicco B also earned his lifetime approval as a German Riding Pony Stallion. |
2009 Highlights |
Danielle Federa’s talented Dutch gelding, Plato Carlos, debuted at the Grand Prix on Sat, November 21 st at Poplar Place in Hamilton, Ga. Sandy and Plato won their first GP with a score of 63.6%! The test was marred only slightly by some small miscommunication at the start of the canter work which lead to a wrong strike-off out of the passage and some difficulty finding the right count for the two-tempi’s. Highlights were the first piaffe/passage tour, the trot half-passes, the canter pirouettes and the one tempi’s. Plato continues to get stronger and more confident in his work all the time now!
Sandy Osborn and Plato Carlos (owned by Danielle Federa of South Hadley, Ma.) win the Region 3 Championship at Intermediare II in Wellington, Fl. on Oct. 24 th,’09. They won both the open Intermediare II, judged by Lois Yukins and Gary Rockwell on Oct. 23 rd, as well as winning the championship class on Oct. 24 th, judged by Gary Rockwell and Elizabeth Lewis. In both cases all 3 judges had the pair first by a clear margin. Their championship score was 66.05%.
Sandy also just received the exciting news that the year end USDF awards standings have been determined and with only 3 shows and 5 tests ridden at the Intermediare II level this year, Plato is ranked 4 th in the country for the level with a median score of 67%!!! |
Sandy and Plato also won the Open Intermediare II class, sponsored by Sho Clothes of Wellington, Fl the day before winning the Region 3 championship. Many thanks to Sho Clothes for their generous sponsorship!!! |
Dr. Nancy Ferebee's exquisitely beautiful German Riding Pony stallion, Chicco B, winning his first time out at 2nd level, test 1 with an outstanding score of 69.7% at the Atlanta Fall Dressage Classic on Oct. 11,'09. To see more of Chicco, please go to the Photo Gallery. |
On Oct. 3rd, After the Fox Farm hosted their first Oktoberfeest. Roel Theunissen conducted a symposium which took the 100+ auditors through the levels of dressage from training level to the Grand Prix. As part of the day, trainer Adam Lastowka not only showed his skill as a rider, but also added to the day with long-lining demonstrations as well, an area of training at which he excels! Plato Carlos and Sandy Osborn ended the day with a demonstration of all the Grand Prix exercises, including the zigzag, two tempi changes, one tempi changes, and of course the piaffe/passage work.
Plato continues to impress everyone with his technique for these difficult exercises! |
Photo by Sherry Smith of Dog Wood Sport Horses |
Photo by
Sherry Smith of Dog Wood Sport Horses |
On October 10th and 11th, After the Fox was again successful at the Atlanta Fall Dressage Classic at the Georgia International Horse Park in Conyers.
Sandy and Dr. Nancy Ferebee's German Riding Pony stallion, Chicco B won both their 2nd level test 1 classes, the second day with an outstanding score of 69.7%. Check back soon for pictures of this exquisitely beautiful pony stallion! Congratulations to Alison Faso on Deborah Wilhelm's mare, Valkyrie, for all her wins at 1st level, all scores over 70%!
Congratulations to Erika Wilhelm on her wins at 1st level on her own Samorano, a Dutch gelding by Gribaldi. |
On August 1 st and 2 nd, at the Good Horseman Foundation’s Summer Dressage Show, After the Fox Farm boasted an outstanding weekend. On Danielle Federa’s Dutch gelding, Plato Carlos, Sandy Osborn won the Intermediaire II classes both days with scores of 68.158% and 68.421% highlighted by scores of 8’s on Plato’s piaffes both days! Adam Lastowka on the Friedman’s beautiful Dutch stallion Oleander, by Jazz, showed their international caliber Grand Prix with an unbelievable, but well deserved 72.9%!!! WOW!!! Adam also earned a 70% and the winning ride on Sunday at 4 th level test 1 on Rago Des Fontaines, owned in partnership by Roel, Adam, and Katrin Sheehan. (Look for him in the future as he moves into the FEI levels!) Adam’s student, Vlada Lvova , achieved the high score of the whole show with a 76% on her very handsome dark brown gelding, Stellar Hit (Sandro Hit x Donnerhall) at training level test 4. She also earned a 74% at 1 st level test 4! Congratulations also to Adam’s student, Jean Fowler on Eve for her winning score of 66% at 1 st level.
As always, thanks to Roel for the example he continues to set in his riding and teaching! |
On May 29th-31st '09, Sandy began the training process for upgrading her judges' license from "R" to "S" by sitting with the international judges at the CDI-W in Raleigh, N.C. She is pictured here working closely with "O" judge, Axel Steiner of the U.S. during the Grand Prix Freestyle on Sat. night. She also worked with Cara Whitham, "O" judge from Canada and Charlotte Bredahl, "C" judge from California. |
April 11, 12 '09: At the Greater Atlanta Southern Dressage Show sponsored by the GDCTA, Sandy and Adam were once again outstanding representatives of the training system practiced daily at After The Fox Farm. Sandy and Plato, owned by Danielle Federa of South Hadley, Mass, won their first time out at the Intermediaire II level with a mistake free ride and a score of 67.1%. This level is the first time the horse must show piaffe/passage and one tempi changes within the test. Plato is very green at the level but shows an exceptional talent in all areas and continues to demonstrate an outstanding work ethic!
A big THANK YOU to Roel for his coaching at the shows
and his guidance throughout the training process!
Adam and Charisma once again won their PSG test with no mistakes and a 68% on Sunday. The beautiful dark bay mare put in a relaxed, confident test with total concentration on her rider and the job at hand. Not only did they win the class, but were also the FEI Lisa Seger Equine Insurance Agency FEI High Score Award winners for the weekend!
Photos by Phyllis Burchett Photo. |
Photos by Phyllis Burchett Photo.
On March 7,8 '09, Sandy and Plato started their show ring career together with two superb rides at the Intermediaire I level. While Plato is new at the level, he lived up to everyone's expectations by earning the FEI high scores for the weekend with 71.5% and 68.9% from two different judges!
Plato's exuberant flying changes (pictured left) contributed to his oustanding scores.
Also successful that weekend was Adam Lastowka on the elegant bay mare, Charisma, owned by the partnership of Adam, Roel and MistoverLLC of Pawling, NY. The pair won both PSG classes with scores of 66.5% and 68.5%, scoring 8's on gaits!

Photo by Alicia Frese of Frese Frame Photography. |
2008 Highlights |
On the weekend of Sept 20, 21, '08, under the watchful eye of trainer Roel Theunissen, Sandy warms up the beautiful Hannoverian gelding, Galahad, owned by William and Janet Bryant of Alpharetta, Ga. for their first PSG tests. The entire ATFF team was rewarded for all their hard work when the pair earned 72.5% and 71% from two different judges over the two days, winning the FEI high score award for the weekend! |
Also making his debut on the same weekend was Shelley McGuinness' Ace at training level. Sandy and Ace were 1st and 2nd in their two tests with scores of 68% and 66%! Ace is a pinto gelding of unknown origin who was rescued from a very uncertain future by Shelley. Her belief in the little guy is being rewarded by very pleasurable rides on him herself now! |
On Sept. 10th, '08, Sandy welcomed Danielle Federa's Dutch gelding, Plato Carlos, to After the Fox Farm. Plato was originally imported by Roel as a 7 year old and was purchased soon thereafter by Danielle. Danielle achieved success with Plato as an adult amateur at 4th level in '06 after which time personal circumstances kept them from the competition arena. |
Photo by Phyllis Burchett Photo.